Wednesday, January 25, 2012


That's a picture of my dad and me about 36 years ago. I don't remember that day specifically but I'm told that he was teaching me how to fly a kite. I have no doubt he was doing that but also teaching me some little life lesson while he showed me how to maneuver the kite as well. That was my dad and I was definitely daddy's lil girl. (Seriously, ask anyone who knows our family and they will agree!)

I find myself lately saying ... "Well, my dad taught me ..." to  my friends but mainly to my children, so I thought I should probably start writing some of these things down to pass along to them. You see, my dad died three years ago and I hope that by recording his little life lessons he taught (big and small, silly and important), I will honor him in a way I know he would love. He encouraged me from a young age to write because he saw the joy I got from it and a passion I had for it. I guess its about time I finally listened to him on that bit of advice: "Gaby, don't ever stop writing. Write every day, even if it's just a little bit each day, sit down and write."

So, welcome to my blog. I apologize up front for any blogging etiquette I lack and ask that you bear with me as I fumble my way along this new adventure. So stay tuned for some interesting stories and funny memories I have with my dad. I hope that as you join me on this journey that you catch a glimpse of the incredible man that was my father, maybe smile or even chuckle at our expense, perhaps stir a special memory that you have about your own dad and maybe, just maybe ... learn a life lesson too! 

Thanks dad for all the lessons, laughs and a wonderful lifetime of memories.

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